Paperface – A bigger man
Client: Paperface / Daydream records
A music video about anyone who ever wanted to be a Rockstar.
“A Bigger Man” is a music video from the London-based indie-rock band Paperface. For this project I was asked to recreate a similar aesthetic adopting miniatures inspired by my previous short-movie “Missing”. The script that I got from the band, told the story of a man’s daily life, who used to dream to become a rockstar during his childhood. Such dreams were set in outdoor stages, with large crowds and potentially rich of figurative details. Recreating such script into visuals adopting miniatures, resulted to be technically difficult further than a costly procedure. Inspired by John Clang 2012 “Being Together” project, my solution was to project 2D animation on the miniatures. The result was a dreamlike animation that well-suited the script story as well as the idea of the author, furthermore to optimize the production resources.
Directed and Produced by Cristian Wiesenfeld
Script: Paperface
Head of models construction: Matias Machado
Illustrations: Karla Diaz
Maping Projection: Daniel Huber
Editor: Ginés Olivares
Collaborators: Ayumi Ayabe, Edgardo Valdes, Johanna Gehrke, José Manuel Délano
Some miniatures came from the next companies:
Preiser, Noch, Faller, Revell, Vollmer, Busch, Auhagen
Filmed on location at ‘O45, Berlin’
Shot with a Nikon D90 camera, and a Sigma 17-70mm macro HSM lens.