MoS – Mercedes of Service
Client: Daimler AG / Mercedes Benz
Direccion, story board and animation: Cristian Wiesenfeld
Design and illustration: Andres Rodriguez
Character animation: Pato Molina
Music and Sound FX: Gonzalo Guerrero / Mute Audio
Voice Over: Sara Starling
Handmodel: Neide Duehmke
The Mercedes-Benz Global Training team asked us to create an animation to be applied to a set of cards and props which area part of one of their dynamic training methodology. The Mercedes-Benz Global Training team aimed to set an integrate training methodology to be shared with the brand sellers. The cards and props are made in handcraft style which inspired out our work and contributed to the final outcome of this project.
Our work was based on a mix of 2D digital animation with the inclusion of a bit of 3D and Stop Motion techniques which we used to introduce the training cards in conformity with the style that the cards inspired. Within this project I personally lead the direction of the operations and I developed the collaboration with several professionals in different areas of competencies such as illustrators and characters animators.
As followings the trailer of the the video: